Six-year old Jace Young was in front of his house watching fireworks on July 4, 2020 when he was struck by gunfire. Jace was not the intended target of this senseless shooting.
SFPD arrested two suspects in Jace’s killing, including Deshaune Lumpkin who was 17-yrs old when he murdered Jace. As part of his criminal’s first agenda, Chesa Boudin vowed to never try a “juvenile” as an adult, no matter how heinous the crime or how close to being 18-years old the suspect was. Lumpkin was found guilty of Jace’s murder, but because of Boudin’s policy, Lumpkin can serve no more than 7-years for Jace’s murder.
Jace’s father, Jason Young, stated "I am so angry with Chesa Boudin right now. He makes San Francisco’s criminal justice system a complete joke. The killer of my 6-year-old son will likely serve less time than the age of my son because of Chesa's campaign promise. Boudin's campaign promises do not protect San Franciscans and ensure justice – they only allow criminals, and in this case, murderers, to return to the community."
San Francisco Superior Court Judge Bruce Chan blasted District Attorney Chesa Boudin in open court for Boudin’s mismanagement of the District Attorney’s office. Judge Chan, a former public defender, stated "I cannot express in any more certain terms my disapproval of the manner in which the Office of the District Attorney is being managed. We simply cannot have the current levels of inadvertence, disorganization, and expect there to be any public confidence in what we do here collectively. Constant turnover, constant managerial reorganization, all these things, whether it's intentional, whether it's reckless, whether it's excusable neglect, that's not in front of me today. Not to make light of the situation, but you can't run an airline this way.” Chan went on to state, “It's time to really take care of business at home instead of thinking about the national or state stage.”
Judge Chan made his comments during a 2019 gun case following a public defender’s request to dismiss the case because Boudin failed to disclose DNA evidence for over a year. Deputy Public Defender Martina Avalos said “It is egregious when we’ve had a year and a pandemic for them to sit on this to turn it over and to fulfill their ethical obligations,” Avalos said in court, according to the transcripts. “And there is no excuse for management to say, ‘Oh, well, we’ve had different DA’s in here.’ They are all one Chesa Boudin. They are all one District Attorney.”
Robert Newt, a felon, was arrested following a car stop in April 2021 for possessing an assault rifle and being connected to a previous shooting incident. Boudin let him go due to his newly enacted car stop policy, the one that was going to make us all safer. Approximately one month later, Newt is suspected of murdering two people in two separate shootings in the Potrero Hill neighborhood. A manhunt to arrest Newt remains active.
Following a pattern since taking office, Boudin refused to charge Newt in April citing “lack of evidence.” However, veteran prosecutors dispute that. “After reviewing the SFPD incident summary, former San Francisco prosecutor Tom Ostly said, “I would charge on those facts 100 percent. Boudin’s excuses are defense attorney arguments that are inconsistent with the law and facts.”
Three-quarters of California’s elected district attorneys sued the state to block emergency rules that increase good conduct credits that will bring the early release for tens of thousands of inmates. According to the Associated Press, the new rules boost good behavior credits for a total of 76,000 inmates, 63,000 of those inmates were convicted of violent crimes. The rules will allow violent criminals to these violent felons to serve two-thirds of their sentences rather than the previous 80%.
Chesa Boudin released a suspect arrested for the attempted car jacking and beating of a 75 year-old woman in a Safeway parking lot. The victim was saved by a good Samaritan who intervened and stopped the attack. The attack was caught on video and police received several eye-witness accounts of the attack.
"This is cut and dry. I watched them beat this old woman and drop her across the concrete," the Good Samaritan, who doesn't want to be identified, told ABC 7. "I really put myself in a position where I could have lost my life...I would have hoped we could have seen some kind of justice." ABC 7 also reported that a source within the DA’s office stated that it was illogical not to file charges in this case.
In an apparent violation of California’s Victims’ Bill of Rights, Chesa Boudin secretly released the violent attacker of an 84 year-old Asian grandfather with zero accountability for almost killing the elderly man. See the story for yourself here.
Rong Xin Liao was violently kicked out of his seated walker last year, fracturing his skull, breaking his collarbone and causing long term trauma. The unprovoked attack was caught on film and the attacker, 24 year-old Eric Ramos-Hernandez, was “diverted” from prosecution. The Liao family says Boudin hid his decision from them to not seek any criminal punishment for Ramos-Hernandez.
All this comes amidst intense public scrutiny from community members and victim’s rights advocates who are sending a clear message to Boundin…Do your job!
Chesa Boudin is an equal opportunity blunderer that is putting the safety of every San Franciscan at risk. His latest screw-up is hard to fathom, but what should we expect from an inexperienced ideologue hell-bent on protecting criminals at the expense of victims? Boudin failed to produce evidence in court that Jamaica Hampton, the defendant being prosecuted for being caught on film breaking a liquor bottle over the head of a uniformed police officer, was actually…umm…Jamaica Hampton. We can’t make this stuff up.
Because of Boudin’s Blunder, a judge dismissed all the charges against Hampton. It is unconscionable. As KTVU reported, identifying a defendant is “basic criminal procedure in California.”
This was actually the second time Boudin has allowed Hampton to go free, as this site reported earlier.

Kevin Chow, 19-year old victim of the shooting murder
Convicted felon Zion Dwayne Young has been subsequently arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and multiple times for gun possession. On February 20, 2020 SFPD arrested Young again on 11 felonies related to firearms. Despite Young’s history of repeated arrests for being a felon in possession of a firearm and assault with a deadly weapon, Boudin thought it was a safe idea to only charge Young with one misdemeanor and slap an ankle monitor on him. Just two months later, Young was arrested for shooting and killing Kelvin Chew, a 19-year old student from the Portola neighborhood. Kelvin bled to death on the sidewalk. Kelvin’s mother, now heartbroken, who waited for him to come home that fateful day, now awaits justice for his murder.

Blunder: Released Suspect Assaulted an S.F. Mother
Suspect kidnaps and sexually assaults woman;
released on ankle monitor and arrested for rape two months later
A San Francisco mother was kidnapped and attacked while on a jog in September 2020. Fearing she was about to be raped, she fought off her attacker and escaped. Her assistance led to the arrest of her suspected attacker, Allen Stewart. Following his arrest, Stewart was released on an ankle monitor. Two months later he was arrested for raping a woman in a San Francisco parking garage. He was wearing his ankle monitor while committing the rape. Prior to both attacks, Stewart was arrested and released for committing felony robbery and assault. Boudin refused to answer questions from ABC 7 on this story.
Blunder: Dismissed Felony Charges
On February 4, 2021, Arnulfo Villanueva was walking in the Excelsior neighborhood when he became a hit and run victim. He was run over by a driver who ran a stop sign and then drove off, leaving a seriously injured Villanueva lying in the street. San Francisco police officers arrested the suspected driver on February 22, 2021 for felony Hit and Run. Rather than hold the suspect accountable, Chesa Boudin dismissed the felony charges and sent the case to “Neighborhood Court” which is reserved for “non-violent misdemeanor” cases. A suspect who takes zero responsibility for her actions by driving off after hitting an innocent pedestrian must be held accountable.

In March of 2020, Chesa Boudin cut career criminal Troy McAlister a sweetheart deal by releasing him onto SF streets after being convicted for armed robbery. Upon his release, McAlister went on a months long crime spree and was arrested at least 5 times in San Francisco. Boudin refused to press charges after any of those arrests, allowing McAlister to keep terrorizing our city.
On December 31, 2020, while driving a stolen car, under the influence and in possession of a gun, McAlister ran down and killed Hanako Abe & Elizabeth Platt, then fled. After discovering Boudin’s refusal to prosecute McAllister, KPIX 5 exposed that Boudin, while a Public Defender/Criminal Defense Attorney, appeared in court for McAlister on the very same armed robbery case that he cut McAlister loose on when he became District Attorney. Boudin hid this blatant conflict of interest from the public.
In keeping with his beliefs, Boudin refused to keep McAlister behind bars for his armed robbery conviction and the consequences were devastating for Hanako Abe and Elizabeth Platt.

Blunder: Refusing to Prosecute
Another Attack/Another Dangerous Outcome
“This case represents yet another instance where Boudin blundered and is not prosecuting an individual that attacked police officers. We have a duty to expose these dangerous decisions and hope San Franciscans will hold Boudin accountable.”
— Tony Montoya, President